Oregon is home to over 6,000 businesses owned and operated by immigrants and refugees. These businesses represent nearly 10% of the state’s economy, and they deserve more visibility. The Oregon Global Guide, a project of the Center for Intercultural Organizing, aims to provide that visibility through creating an online portal of immigrant and refugee businesses, which will offer readers stories about the people behind the scenes—where we came from, our histories, our hopes and dreams.
HOW: The site functions like Google Maps, provides information about each business similar to popular sites like Yelp, and will offer discounts to members, like Groupon or the Chinook Book (a coupon book for the environmental sector).
LAUNCH: Through 2015, we are offering free listings for all immigrant and refugee owned businesses as well as non-profits and community groups that are run by immigrants and refugees. To receive a featured listing, all we ask is for businesses to offer Oregon Global Guide card members an incentive for becoming your customers. What you offer is completely up to you. You will also receive a free Oregon Global Guide membership card , and will be able to receive discounts at these businesses yourself. Click here to get listed.
FUTURE BENEFITS: We anticipate adding an online calendar of global happenings, hosting social and networking events, partnering with expert organizations to offer business development workshops, and building political power for policy change down the road. We hope you’ll go on this journey with us!
For more information contact Charlotte MacDonald at charlotte@interculturalorganizing.org or Stephanie Stephens at stephanie@interculturalorganizing.org
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